• Serhii Naboka
Keywords: general education, mass education, class-lesson system, standardization of knowledge, ideologization, subspecialization, Internet, online-lesson, globalization of education


The article analyzes the main trends in the development of educational processes from the late XIX century to the early XXI century. The main factors which determined the evolution, formation and functioning of the education system during this period are identified as the result of scientific investigation. Author defined that the gradual establishment of general mass education system in the world since the second part of XIX century was explained primarily by the influence of the key military-political and socio-economic factors. With the improvement of weaponry, states were forced to switch to mass conscription armies. With the complication of weapons, as well as the economic inability to keep the millions soldiers in military service for a long time, the state now required minimally literate conscripts. Moreover, in the world at this time, an industrial type of economy had been established, which required large numbers of at least initially literate people. The need to broaden control over citizens also played a role in the establishment of the national education system. The study highlights the characteristics of the "industrial education system" that dominated in the world from the late nineteenth to the late twentieth century, as well as the factors determining their existence. There were typical attributes of the "industrial system": massiveness; accessibility; standardization of knowledge; ideologization of the educational process; focus on the "average student"; collective approach; class-lesson system of education; significant weight of upbringing, discipline and punishment. In addition, the article analyzes the trends of evolutionary changes in the educational sphere, which are becoming an integral part of the contemporary education system of the XXI century.


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How to Cite
Naboka, S. (2021). SPECIFIC FEATURES OF EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IN THE MODERN AGE. Litopys Volyni, (22), 62-66. https://doi.org/10.32782/2305-9389/2020.22.10
World history