To a question on the Role of the Church in the process of ethnic consolidation and protection of State unity of Rus

  • Mytropolyt Lutskyi
  • Volynskyi Mykhail
Keywords: ethnic group, Christianization, Orthodoxy, Old Church, church hierarchy


In conditions of absolute domination of religion, which is typical of the Middle Ages, the Orthodox Church in Russia was one of the main forms of ethnic existence of the ancient n nationality. Being a state church, it became an important means of uniting in as a state formation of Slavic, Baltic, Finno-Ugric and other tribes; for a certain time kept society, in particular its higher classes, from the dangerous feudal freedom for the state being.


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How to Cite
Lutskyi, M., & Mykhail, V. (2018). To a question on the Role of the Church in the process of ethnic consolidation and protection of State unity of Rus. Litopys Volyni, (19), 8-10. Retrieved from