Alexander Tsynkalovsky’s public-educational activity

  • V. Dyachenko
Keywords: Olexander Tsynkalovsky, Society


The article is devoted to the study of the life and scientific path of the outstanding Volyn researcher –Alexander Mykolayovych Tsynkalovsky (1898 - 1983). The biographical information is given in which the main attention is focused on the definition of the life path of the scientist, the process of his becoming as a scientist and the formation of a world outlook as a researcher of the Volyn region. The main directions of the historical heritage of the historian in the field of archeology, ethnography, folklore, toponymyc, historical regional studies of Volyn region are determined. The publiceducational, cultural and educational work of the scientist is revealed. His participation in the activity of the society “Prosvita” and the Enlightenment movement for the establishment and preservation of the spiritual, religious, and national identity of the Volyn people is highlighted. An attempt was made to demonstrate the role of Alexander Tsynkanolovsky's local studies research for the scientific elite and intellectuals of Volyn to preserve their own identity and national identity. The significance of the researches of the scientist who he introduced into scientific circulation and popularized on the pages of the printed scientific popular publication of the society “Prosvita” – “Life and Knowledge” was analyzed. Alexander Tsynkalovsky understood the importance of maintaining and developing research on the history and cultural life of his native land even in emigration, which is why his educational activities became an important part of the cultural and educational work of the scientist. The scientist is an example of a true patriot for young generation, and his scientific work serves as the primary source for a modern researcher.


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How to Cite
Dyachenko, V. (2018). Alexander Tsynkalovsky’s public-educational activity. Litopys Volyni, (19), 139-142. Retrieved from